Monday, January 7, 2013

Resolve to Resolve

Hey there,

So I've made it a resolution to blog my dharma talk each week.  For those of you who don't know, in the yoga-class context a dharma talk is a short talk of meaning or purpose given at the beginning of class. It usually serves as a thematic anchor for the rest of the class.  I've found that teaching helps me clarify my thoughts, so I'll probably wait until the end of the week to summarize all I've learned.  Plus, I don't want to ruin any surprises for the people planning to come to my class during the week :)

So, here goes, for the week of 1/1/13:


Lots of people have New Year's resolutions.  I'm struck by the two different definitions of the word "resolve."  To have resolve is to have clear focus and dedication toward an action or ideal.  To resolve something is to make it better, to add peace where it did not exist before.  With that in mind, I have adopted the following mantra:

"I resolve to resolve."

Everyone has conflict.  On a daily basis we are faced with small and large things that make us feel agitated.  Whether this dis-ease rests within yourself or in relationships with others, there's normally something that needs to be resolved.  I think we would benefit from assuring that any resolution we make also resolves something for us.  Resolve to resolve.

How do we do it?  I think it takes listening.  It's too easy to be right all the time.  It's too easy to surround ourselves only with people who support our opinions as fact.  We have GOT to, as a community, a nation, a species, start resolving to resolve.  We've got to compromise, and love each other even when we disagree.  I'm not saying you shouldn't stand up for yourself, but as you do, ask yourself what it is you are resolving by doing so.

Let's resolve to resolve.  Happy New Year, sweet souls,

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